Let’s get to cracking! Literally I got to disprove some old proofs right now...
Mr. A believed that he could prove the existence of a supreme being (God) by stating a few scientific theories and other forms of nonsense! (Sorry it’s late)
First way:
He believed that an object which is in motion has been put into motion by some other object or force. Therefore there must have been an unmoved mover (God) who first put things into motion. So nothing can move it, if ever object in motion had a mover; the first object in motion needed a mover. The first mover is the unmoved mover called God....
That was a mouthful...
Well, If I were to stand up right now and jump I would be moving myself... so it is not necessarily true that nothing can move itself... for unloving objects this theory is true. because a rock cannot move unless I pick it up and throw it but the reflexive action of me picking it up and throwing it was not destiny and did not occur due to the fact that something ells moved me first. Now let us say that this whole idea is true... then who moved God? if no object can be moved not heir own there had to be something who moved God.... the wording off this first way is not very well done leading to it not being a great proof for the existence of a supreme being.
... So I really don’t understand any of the other proofs but number 3 so let me do that one too...
Contingent beings are caused not ever being canned be contingent. Therefore there must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent being this necessary being is God.
The same idea applies here who was the being who came before God...? Did God one day pop out of his gene lamp and start talking to Abraham and making covenants?
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