"The Doors of Paradise; one of the first and greatest masterpiece of Italian Renaissance bronze work."
In 1425, Lorenzo Ghiberti, was hired to create the Doors of Paradise. today they can be found in the Grace Cathedral which was framed and installed for the Consecration Service on November 20, 1964. The Grace Cathedral's "Doors of Paradise" a
re over sixteen feet tall, furthermore, each door weighs at least 1/3 tons (about 700 pounds). There are stories depicted in the artistry, about ideas shared by the 3 main monotheistic religions the world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Ghiberti choose the subjects of his main panels through the first few books of the Bible: from Genesis to Kings. The border panels display Old testament figures related to the adjacent panels (main). The first panel is about the story of Adam and Eve, including: the creation, temptation, and fall of man resulting in expulsion from the garden forever. We can see the making of Eve in the center and the outside of the
gate we see the creation of Adam. The next panel depicts the story of Noah's Ark. This panel shows how the Ship landed on Mt. Ararat after the Flood, closely looking at the boat you can see Noah and his family slowly coming out of the Ark. The next panel depicts the story of Abraham and Isaac. on the panel we see, Abraham serving as host to three mysterious guests who are believed to be God in the disguise of the "Trinity" (personally i believe them to be angles of the Lord. This panel ends its story on the scene where an angle of the Lord stops Abraham from sacrificing his son. the next panel is of the story of Jacob and Esau, we see here the proportioned halls and Isaac's house shown in a linear perspective. in the story Jacob manages to cheat his brother out of his earned inheritance by posing as Esau before Isaac (who has grown very old now). this story gives lead to the story of of Jacob and his brothers being sold into slavery until saved by Joseph who eventually became governor of Egypt. At the end, he devastates his brothers. The next panel depicts the famous story of of Moses on Mt. Sinai receiving the ten commandments from God. below you can see the frightened men who came along with moses awaiting his arrival from a top the mountain. The next panel is of the biblical story of Jacob who travels across the dry River of Jordan and gathers stones for a monument. At the top, you also see the city of Jericho being demolished through Gods power of the Arc of the covenant. on of the last main panels to the left shows the victory of David against Goliath and how he decapitates the giant with the letter's sword (this shows the strength of Monotheism prevailing over the philistine pagans. The battle scene is immensely realistic and reflects that of Venetian battles. in the background we see David bringing Goliath's head to Jerusalem. and Finally the last panel is of King Solomon, receiving the Queen of Sheba.
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