my dad usually tells me an my sister we could be better children meaning more dutiful o our family... and after being told the story of Maria Celeste (Virginia) Galilei, Daughter of Galileo Galilei, I really understand what duty you ones family means.
From the Beginning of their lives Maria had always helped her father out... as an apothecary she created her fathers medicine exclusively, and took care of him by cooking and doing his laundry for him. After her father moved away they kept in touch through mailing letters many of Maria’s can still be seen today. Maria was a huge part in Galileo's Book she proofread them and allowed them to be published checking her fathers use of words and censoring what she thought would get him in trouble. She always had her father on her mind on her daily convent duties and always found a way to take care of him. Even during the Plague she made for him a bacteria killer so he could go on with his research. Without Maria Galileo may not have been known today for all that he had done. Because he simply would have died...
So I think we should have an official daughter’s day in honor of Maria Celeste (Virginia) Galilei for died at the age of 34...
Good information 12/12 for week 2